Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA) | ACCA is a not-for-profit and vendor-neutral organisation aims to address imminent issues related to cloud computing, including privacy and security concerns, compliance and regulatory mandates, licensing models, service levels, and other market risks. | - Cloud Readiness Index;
- Cloud Assessment Tool
Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) | The Cloud Industry Forum focuses on building trust between suppliers and consumers of Cloud services for doing business in the Cloud. A major part of this scope is a certifiable Code of Practice covering transparency, capability, and accountability of participating service providers. The outcome requires the provision of key organisational, commercial and operational information in a consistent format that will assist end users in determining how they adopt Cloud services and from whom. | - Cloud Industry Forum Code of Practice;
- White papers on trends in end user adoption of Cloud Services across the UK;
- An introduction and guide to buying Cloud Services
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) | To promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing. | - Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM)
- Open Certification Framework
- Security as a Service (SecaaS) Implementation Guidance
- Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing
- Top Threats to Cloud Computing
- Trusted Cloud Initiative (TCI) Reference Architecture Model
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) | Using the recommendations developed by DMTF's Open Cloud Standards Incubator, the Cloud management workgroup (CMWG) is focused on standardizing interactions between Cloud environments by developing specifications that deliver architectural semantics and implementation details to achieve interoperable Cloud management between service providers and their consumers and developers. | - Open Virtualisation Format (OVF)
- Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI)
- Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface – CIM (CIMI-CIM)
- Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI) Primer
- CIMI Model and REST Interface over HTTP Specification
- Interoperable Clouds
- Architecture for Managing Clouds
- Use Cases and Interactions for Managing Clouds
Object Management Group (OMG) | OMG's focus is always on modeling, and the first specific cloud-related specification efforts have only just begun, focusing on modeling deployment of applications & services on clouds for portability, interoperability & reuse. The following table doesn’t take into account the ETSI work on Grid computing.OMG has formed the Cloud Standards Customer Council, an end user advocacy group dedicated to accelerating cloud's successful adoption, and drilling down into the standards, security and interoperability issues surrounding the transition to the cloud.The Council will provide cloud users with the opportunity to drive client requirements into standards development organisations and deliver materials such as best practices and use cases to assist other enterprises. | - The Practical Guide to Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Use Cases
Open Grid Forum (OGF) | The Open Cloud Computing Interface comprises a set of open community-led specifications delivered through the Open Grid Forum. OCCI is a Protocol and API for all kinds of Management tasks. OCCI was originally initiated to create a remote management API for IaaS model based Services, allowing for the development of interoperable tools for common tasks including deployment, autonomic scaling and monitoring. It has since evolved into a flexible API with a strong focus on integration, portability, interoperability and innovation while still offering a high degree of extensibility. | - GFD.183: Open Cloud Computing Interface - Core
- GFD.184: OCCI - Infrastructure
- GFD.185: OCCI – RESTful HTTP Rendering
Open Group | The Open Group Cloud Work Group exists to create a common understanding among buyers and suppliers of how enterprises of all sizes and scales of operation can include Cloud Computing technology in a safe and secure way in their architectures to realize its significant cost, scalability and agility benefits. It includes some of the industry’s leading Cloud service providers and end-user organisations, collaborating on standard models and frameworks aimed at eliminating vendor lock-in for enterprises looking to benefit from Cloud products and services. | - Building Return On Investment from Cloud Computing
- Strengthening Your Business Case for Using Cloud
- Cloud Buyers Decision Tree
- Cloud Computing Explained white paper
- An Architectural View of Security for Cloud
- Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CCRA)
- Service Oriented Cloud Computing Infrastructure (SOCCI) Framework
- Security For Cloud and SOA Reference Architecture
- Open Group Cloud Security position paper
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) | OASIS is a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society. It produces standards for security, e-business, web services, and application-specific markets as well as facilitates standardization efforts in the public sector. OASIS Technical Committees do work on a wide variety of technologies which will be critical for and widely used in the Cloud Space, e.g. web services, WS-I profiles, security and identity, provisioning, modeling, etc. Much of that work had as its orientation SOA based and enabling technologies, much of which will be directly applicable to the Cloud. In the absence of specific guidance from the SGCC, the criteria used here to determine which Technical Committee's work should be listed in the table is whether the TC's charter work targets Cloud-specific requirements. At this time the OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC is the only one which meets those criteria. | - Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP)
- Identity in the Cloud Use Cases
- Symptoms Automation Framework (SAF)
- Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA)
Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) | SNIA's Cloud Technical Working Group (Cloud TWG) focuses standardizing interactions between Cloud-based storage services and clients by developing specifications that deliver architectural semantics and implementation details to application developers. RESTful HTTP-based protocols are used to enable Cloud service providers to offer interoperable Cloud storage management and access to their consumers and developers. The following table doesn’t take into account the ETSI work on Grid computing. | - Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)
- Cloud Storage for Cloud Computing
Trusted Computing Group (TCG) | The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is an international industry standards group. The TCG develops specifications amongst it members. Upon completion, the TCG publishes the specifications for use and implementation by the industry. | - Trusted Multi-Tenant Infrastructure (TMI) Use Cases
- Trusted Multi-tenant Infrastructure (TMI) Reference Framework