Info Cloud
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What InfoCloud portal does


This InfoCloud website is established as a one-stop portal for the general public and enterprises (especially the small and medium-sized enterprises) to effectively access information and resources on cloud computing technologies including sample use cases, guidelines and best practices for achieving the desired benefits in adopting the cloud computing model.




The InfoCloud portal is developed under the collaborative efforts from members of the Expert Group on Cloud Computing Services and Standards ("the Expert Group"). The Expert Group was established in April 2012 by drawing expertise from the industry, academia, professional bodies and the Government to drive cloud computing adoption and deployment in Hong Kong, as well as facilitate exchanges among cloud experts both within Hong Kong and with the Mainland. One of the targets is to develop and promote best practices and guidelines for the local community. Under the Expert Group there are two working groups including Working Group on Cloud Security and Privacy (WGCSP) and Working Group on Provision, Interoperability and Use of Cloud Services (WGPIUCS).


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The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

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Caring Organisation
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